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Alka Seltzer - Spicy Meatball
Wendy's - Where's the Beef
Volkswagen - Beetle
Dos Equis - The Most Interesting Man
Fed Ex - Caveman
Apple - Get a Mac
Pepsi - Michael Jackson Pepsi Generation
Pepsi - We Will Rock You
Doritos - Middle Seat
Ikea - Let's Relax
Ikea - Rediscover the Joy of the Kitchen
Hershey's - Jingle Bells
Android - Rock, Paper, Scissors
Evian - Baby & Me
Snickers - Diva
JC Penney - Doghouse
Marks and Spencer - Mrs. Claus 
JC Penney - Ellen DeGeneres
Benefit - Crime
Reebok - Graduation Speech
Benefit - Turn on the Tints!
Mercedes Benz - Easy Driver
Friskies - Dear Kitten
Discover Ireland - Doors of Thrones Part 1
1993 - Coca Cola Polar Bear commercials
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